Acronym Finder

Enter acronym to find definitions, or enter definition to find acronym, we have a database of 2 million records.

Using LMK as an example, all definitions represented by the acronym LMK.

Acronym Definition Category
LMK Let Me Know Internet
LMK Lava Morph Kaleidoscopics Business
LMK LandMarK Governmental
LMK Local Maintenance Key Miscellaneous
LMK Lativi Media Karya Community
LMK Loddon Mallee Kids Miscellaneous
LMK Love my kids Miscellaneous
LMK Low Memory Killer Miscellaneous
LMK Let's Make Kids Miscellaneous
LMK Lech Mangfall Kliniken Miscellaneous
LMK Lauren Mossotti Kline Miscellaneous
LMK Lok Mitra Kendra Miscellaneous
LMK Lions Might Knit Miscellaneous
LMK Local Master Key Miscellaneous
LMK Lyotno Modeliruyushchy Kompleks Miscellaneous
LMK Langwelle Mittelwelle Kurzwelle Miscellaneous
LMK Lag My Klaar Miscellaneous
LMK Landsforeningen Mot Kreft Miscellaneous
LMK Le Mans Kitcar Miscellaneous

About Acronym Finder

Acronyms/Abbreviations are everywhere, especially in the current internet environment, where there are a large number of acronyms/abbreviations in almost every field. Acronyms/Abbreviations greatly improve our communication efficiency, but at the same time, they also bring some problems, such as the same abbreviation may have completely different meanings in different industries, leading to misunderstandings. If you haven't kept up with the trend of the internet, you may not know what the new acronyms/abbreviations mean.

Based on this, we created this tool and collected over 2 million acronyms/abbreviations from hundreds of subcategories across all industries. The industries with more acronyms/abbreviations are Community, Government, Business, Computing, Academic & Science, Regional, Medical, International, Sports, and the Internet. We may be the acronym/abbreviation website with the most data on the internet.

Whether you are looking for common acronym/abbreviations such as ASAP(As soon as possible) or newly generated acronyms/abbreviations, you can use this tool to quickly find answers. If you are looking for the meaning of an acronym/abbreviation, you just need to enter the acronym/abbreviation in the input box at the top of the webpage, click the "Find" button, and you can immediately see the meaning of the acronym/abbreviation in all industries. Next, you can quickly locate the meaning you are looking for.

If you want to search for an organization or a phrase and find the corresponding acronym/abbreviation, this is also very simple. You just need to enter the name/definition in the input box, and then you can find the acronym/abbreviation corresponding to the definition. For example, if you enter "North Atlantic Treatment Organization", you will get all the abbreviations related to "North Atlantic Treatment Organization", Undoubtedly, the first one in the results is the most relevant, and the acronym/abbreviation for this name/definition is "NATO".

There are several common forms of acronyms/abbreviations: 1 Extract the first letter of a word to represent it, such as C representing carbōnium; 2. Extract the first few letters of the word, such as Eng. representing England or English; 3. Cut the first letter of the two parts of a word separately, for example, cm represents centimeter, TV represents television (television); 4. Cut the first and last letters of a word, such as No. representing numerō; 5. Cut the first letter of each major word in the phrase, such as UN representing the United Nations.

Almost every language has a large number of acronyms/abbreviations, and with the rise of social media and the popularity of some instant messaging software, acronym/abbreviations have gradually become a common language phenomenon, just like emojis(see emoji finder). They not only change people's communication methods, but also affect the entire social language environment. On the one hand, acronym/abbreviations improve our communication efficiency, and on the other hand, acronyms/abbreviations can also lead to misunderstandings and ambiguities among different groups of people. Therefore, when using acronyms/abbreviations, you should consider the current usage environment and target audience as much as possible.

The following are the most commonly used acronyms/abbreviations in conversations as of 2022:

  1. ASAP - As Soon As Possible
  2. BAE - Before Anyone Else
  3. BOLO - Be On the LookOut
  4. FISH - First In, Still Here
  5. FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out
  6. LOL - Laughing Out Loud
  7. YOLO - You Only Live Once
