Percentage Finder

What is P% of X? (
X × P100
= Y
What is % of ?
X is what percent of Y? (
X × 100Y
= P
is what % of ? %
X is P% of what? (
X × 100p
= Y
is % of what?
What is the percentage change from X to Y? (
Y - XX
× 100% = P%
from to ? %

About Percentage Finder

Percentages are everywhere in life. If you are looking for a convenient, fast, and easy-to-use percentage finder, congratulations on coming to the right place. We provide a perfect percentage finder, where you only need to enter two values to get the results you want.

Before that, let's review the percentages. A percentage is a special fraction with a denominator of 100, and its numerator may not be an integer. A percentage represents the percentage of one number to another, representing a ratio. Percentage is a method of expressing proportions, ratios, or fractional values, such as 82% representing 82/100 or 0.82. Percentages are very common in daily life, and you can almost see them in every corner, such as discounts in some stores, such as "20% off the price of all products".

We provide four free and fast percentage finders, which are: finding the percentage of a number (What is P% of X?), finding the percentage of a number to another number (X is what percentage of Y?), finding the result of a known percentage and a number (X is P% of what?), and finding the percentage change of a number (What is the percentage change from X to Y?).

Before we go into detail about finding the percentage formula, let's review the conversion between percentages and decimals:

  1. Digitizing decimals: Remove the percentage sign and move the decimal point two places to the left. For example, 75% can be converted to 0.75;
  2. Decimal percentage: Add a percentage sign and shift the decimal point two places to the right. For example, 0.62 can be converted to 62%.

For example: 100% = 1.00 = 1, 80% = 0.80.

1, Find the percentage of a number. (What is P% of X?)

Calculation formula:
X × P100
= Y

For example, if a piece of clothing was originally priced at $100 and now has a 20% discount, how much cheaper is the actual price of the clothing?

  1. Using a formula to calculate what is 20% of 100?
  2. In this problem, P is 20 and X is 100. Let's calculate Y now;
  3. Convert 20% to decimals by removing the percentage sign and dividing by 100: 20/100 = 0.20;
  4. Replace 20% in the equation with 0.20:20% × 100 = Y to 0.20 × 100 = Y;
  5. Calculation: 0.20 × 100 = 20;
  6. Therefore, this garment was $20 cheaper, and the final price was $100- $20 = $80.

Therefore, a 20% discount on a piece of clothing originally priced at $100 actually reduces it by $20, and the final price is $100- $20 = $80.

2, Calculate the percentage of one number to another. (X is what percent of Y?)

Calculation formula:
X × 100Y
= P

For example, 10 is what percent of 50? The calculation steps are as follows:

  1. Substitute the numerical value into the formula (Y/X) × 100% = P%, where Y is 10 and X is 50;
  2. Calculate 10/50 = 0.2;
  3. Convert 0.2 to a percentage: 0.2 × 100% = 20%;
  4. Therefore, 10 is 20% of 50;
  5. Put the result back into the problem for retesting, 50 × 20% = 50 × 0.2 = 10, and the result is correct.

3, Given the percentage and the percentage result of a number, calculate this number (X is P% of what number?)

Calculation formula:
X × 100p
= Y

For example, 20 is 25% of what number? The calculation steps are as follows:

  1. Comparing the formula X/P% = Y, where X is 20 and P is 25, the actual calculation is 20/25%;
  2. Convert percentages to decimals, 25% = 0.25;
  3. Calculate 20/0.25;
  4. The result is 80;
  5. 20/25% = 80; Therefore, 20 is 25% of 80;
  6. Put the result back into the problem and retest 80 × 25% = 80 × 0.25 = 20, the result is valid.

4, Find the percentage change of a number? What is the percentage change from X to Y?

Calculation formula:
Y - XX
× 100% = P%

For example, what is the percentage change from 10 to 12? The calculation steps are as follows:

  1. Comparing the formula
    Y - XX
    × 100% = P%
    , substitute the values into Y = 12, X = 10;
  2. Calculate (12-10)/10) × 100%;
  3. 12 - 1010
    × 100%
    × 100% = 0.2 × 100% = 20%;
  4. The percentage change from 10 to 12 is 20%;
  5. Put the result back into the problem for retesting, 10 × 20% = 10 × 0.2 = 2, 10+2 = 12, the result is correct.

Note that when calculating percentages here, 10 should be used as the denominator, as the calculation is for changes in 10, not for changes in 12. In addition, Y may be smaller than X, and the change at this point is a decrease, resulting in a negative value, which means the percentage decreases.

A percentage is usually not written in the form of a fraction, but is represented by a percentage sign (%), such as 41%, 1%, etc. Due to the fact that the denominators of percentages are all 100, which means they are all measured in units of 1%, it is easier to compare. A percentage only represents the relationship between two numbers, so units cannot be added after the percentage sign. Percentage is a method of expressing proportions, ratios, or fractional values, such as 82% representing 82/100 or 0.82. A discount represents a few tenths, for example, "70% off", representing 70/100 or 70% or 0.7. So the percentage cannot be followed by a unit.

In practical life, percentages are widely used in various fields. In business, it can be used to calculate sales growth rate, market share, etc. In medicine, it can be used to calculate the incidence and mortality rates of diseases. In politics, it can be used to calculate election results, opinion polls, and so on. Percentages are just a way of representing proportions and cannot represent actual quantities. Therefore, when using percentages, it is necessary to analyze and understand them in conjunction with specific quantities and backgrounds.

Characteristics of percentage:

  1. Percentage is a relative numerical value: percentage is usually used to represent the proportional relationship between one value and another, therefore it is a relative numerical value.
  2. Percentages can be converted to decimals or fractions: Percentages can be converted to decimals or fractions by dividing them by 100, making them easier to use in calculations.
  3. Percentages can be used to compare values of different sizes: as percentages are relative values, they can be used to compare the proportional relationship between values of different sizes.
  4. Percentages can be used to represent the proportion of growth or decrease: Percentages can be used to represent the proportion of growth or decrease of one value relative to another, making them very useful in the fields of economics and business.

Percentages in daily life:

  1. Discounts, such as "20% off the price of all goods in the venue";
  2. Clothing and product ingredients, for example, "A certain beverage contains 5% fat";
  3. Population, for example, "The population of a certain city has increased by 10% compared to the previous year.";
  4. A macroscopic description of the experimental subjects when publishing survey research results. For example, an experiment concluded that people who frequently read text messages have a 10% decrease in intelligence.
  5. Video traffic will account for 82% of global internet traffic.
  6. In 2022, 30.98% of internet users use short videos.

Common fallacies:

  1. Percentages often represent a proportional relationship, but percentages can sometimes exceed 100%. For example, from January 2018 to July 2020, TikTok's global user base grew by 1157.76%;
  2. Survival rate, germination rate, attendance rate, oil production rate, score rate, etc. indicate that the percentage of individuals in the total population will not exceed 100% (maximum 100%).


Per mille
Basis point
Parts per million
Percentage(%) 1 10 100 104
Per mille(‰) 0.1 1 10 103
Basis point(‱) 0.01 0.1 1 102
Parts per million 10-4 10-3 10-2 1
