Italy province(or same level administrative division) list
About Italy Postcode Finder
If you are looking for postcodes in Italy, this free Italy postcode finder can be very helpful. We have collected all the postcodes in Italy, totaling 16825, including all the postcodes currently used in Italy.
Italy is a country with an area of 301,340 square kilometers located in Western Europe, and a population of 58,853,482. Its capital is Rome and the international dialing code is +39. The post code is also known as "Postal code" in Italy, with a format of "00000".
Finding the postcode of Italy is very simple. The current page lists all provinces (or equivalent administrative divisions) in Italy, which is the first level of administrative division. Clicking on the name can view all cities under that administrative division, and clicking on the city can view the list of postcodes for that city.
You can also directly obtain a list of postcodes for a city by searching for its name; If you want to know the specific location of a post code, you can also enter the postcode for location.
In the listed postcode details, you will see the city, province (or equivalent administrative division) where the postcode is located, as well as possible specific locations and the language used in that region.